Flash Flooding in Polk County

  • Flash Flooding in Polk County
    Flash Flooding in Polk County
  • Highway 81/92 near AKRS and the golf course in Osceola was partially flooded Saturday morning. Photos provided by Logan Watts, Polk County Emergency Management.
    Highway 81/92 near AKRS and the golf course in Osceola was partially flooded Saturday morning. Photos provided by Logan Watts, Polk County Emergency Management.
POLK COUNTY - Highway 81/92 near Osceola often floods and this weekend was no different. The low land area near AKRS and the golf course experienced some flooding Friday night into Saturday noon. Polk County Emergency Management, Logan Watts, was on top of the situation.Saturday at 12:10pm he posted “Some flooding is still causing for some interference with normal traffic on Hwy 92 this time west…


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