FROM THE FILES of The Gresham Gazette



August 2, 2012

Enjoying the lawn mower races at Bradshaw Days were Tom and Judi Luettel and Art and Shirley Richter. Conner Luettel placed third in the modified class.

Doug and Marilyn Dey were in Lincoln Saturday morning where Doug participated in the Cornhusker State Games in the bowling event. He bowled in the doubles with John Stewart of Friend, and they received silver medals for their age group.

Former Gresham resident Ron Farley passed away this past week.

Tom and Judi Luettel, Shelby Luettel and Art Richter attended the York County 4-H trap shoot competition in York on Sunday afternoon. Colton Luettel received a blue ribbon for his trap shooting. The Gresham community was

The Gresham community was saddened to hear of the loss of long-time Gresham resident, Wilma Kessler.


August 15, 2002

No files available.


August 6, 1992

Floyd “Habe” Tonniges spends most of his afternoons at “Habe’s Antique Shop” in Gresham, enjoying his collection and taking care of business. He estimates his inventory at close to half a million objects that range from toys to tools. He began collecting over twenty years ago. Pat Branz attended a bridal

Pat Branz attended a bridal shower for Kathi Benson, future bride of Tim Beebe, at the home of Lori Beebe. Sheila Moore and Lori Beebe served as hostesses.


July 22, 1982

Gresham State Bank hosted their first annual barbecue Saturday evening. Over 300 people enjoyed the delicious supper complete with all the trimmings. Children enjoyed free stagecoach rides following the meal.

Nicci Tonniges has returned from volleyball camp held at Camp Luther.

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ferree were dinner guests in Milford on Wednesday. They enjoyed a slide show of all the National Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Matzner attend

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Matzner attended the reception Sunday afternoon in Stromsburg honoring Mr. and Mrs. Foy Rosenberry on their 60th wedding anniversary.


July 20, 1972

The local Canasta gals met at the home of Mrs. William Diers for a lively afternoon of Canasta on Saturday afternoon. About 75 interested people from

About 75 interested people from the Gresham area gathered at the Tonniges Chevrolet garage to further discuss the possibility of a commercial cattle feedlot in the area.


July 20, 1962

Bob and Larry Scherer spent a few days last week in Lincoln visiting their sister, Diane. Miss Peggy Neujahr of Lincoln

Miss Peggy Neujahr of Lincoln is visiting Melton and Arnold Gruber during the fair instead of going to California.


July 25, 1952

Mr. W. A. Dunbar and daughter Mrs. Shirley Brockman and two sons of Lincoln visited here last Saturday with old friends. Mr. Dunbar was superintendent of Gresham schools several years ago.

Mrs. John Tuepker, Mrs. Bertha Matzner and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dey called on Mrs. Bertha Schmidt at the Osceola rest home on Tuesday. They also called on Mrs. Leroy Tonniges at the Shelby Hospital.


July 24, 1942

Several new books have been added to the Gresham Library lately: First the Blade, Demon Daughter and But for Her Graden. Eight books were recently donated by Mr. and Mr. Ray Rogers. Beth Peterson also gave the library sixteen splendid volumes of children’s books.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matzner entertained a number of relatives and friends at a shower last Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Matzner. Harvest has been completed

Harvest has been completed and threshing is well underway in this vicinity. The yield is unusually high this year. Several fields of wheat yielded forty bushels to the acre. The oats on the Les Campbell farm made 76 bushels, the highest yield heard of yet.

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